Novacare Hospital Website

Project Novacare Hospital Website - 1
Project Novacare Hospital Website - 2
Project Novacare Hospital Website - 3

Built with:

JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, PHP, AJAX, MySQL


The inspiration came from wanting to build a project that enabled me to work with databases, PHP, jQuery, and AJAX, the latter 3 of which are used on numerous older websites but still used today. One of the things that Houston, TX is known for, which is where I reside, is its medical district. Thus, I saw it fitting to create a mock hospital website that allows users to faux make appointments as a CRUD application that tracks faux patient information and appointments as well as an admin dashboard for any internal changes to data.

What it does:

This project is a comprehensive online platform built with a user-centered design approach to create an intuitive and responsive interface for patients. It offers an administrative dashboard adhering to security features with a portal page enabling faux hospital admins to manage appointments, doctors, patients, and messages effortlessly.

How it was built:

The website was built using a combination of the technologies listed above. It offers numerous web pages that I believe a patient would want access to when navigating a hospital website, uses MySQL for database operations such as admin login, faux patient records, faux doctor records, faux appointments, ability to send messaging, etc.

Challenges I ran into:

Challenges I ran into were the original learning curve with PHP, jQuery, and AJAX syntax as well as schema design for MySQL. I had to learn about SQL injections, XSS, and CSRF attacks. Another challenge was running into AJAX asynch data.

What I learned:

I gained a deeper understanding of PHP, jQuery, AJAX, as well as MySQL. I learned server-side scripting through PHP, I learned to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations with MySQL using PHP to interact with the database securely, I learned to validate inputs and sanitize them to prevent injection attacks on the client-side (jQuery) and the server-side (PHP) as well as manage sessions, transmit data, and use MVC architecture (Model-View-Controller).

What's next:

One thing I could improve is the design of the admin portal and dashboard with newer technologies as a means to work on improving my custom CSS skills. Additionally, utilizing AI features such as a chatbot could be a feature.